Jump Kick - Sweep
If you are fighting against the computer, you can usually follow a jump kick a
foot sweep. Sweep again until they jump away then start this again. Against
a human opponent, jump kick them near in the corner then do the sweep.
Jump Kick - Standing Kick
Jump kick your opponent low then do a regular standing kick, with HIGH KICK or
LOW KICK. You must press the kick button at the exact time when you land on
the ground, otherwise the kick will come out to late.
Jump Kick - Hop Kick
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do a hop kick. This works well
for some of the characters, including the ninjas and Shang Tsung.
Jump Kick - Missile Weapon
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the missile weapon. It is
important to kick them low and deep so you can land on the ground quickly and
fire your missile weapon. Be sure to buffer the move right before you jump
kick if possible.
Air Jab - Hop Kick/Missile Weapon
If your opponent jumps at you, high punch twice just as they are about to kick
you. This works best for good punchers or against weak kickers. Follow the
punches with a hop kick or a missile weapon. If you punch more than twice, it
is likely that you will not recover in time to get in another move.
Jump Kick - Missile
This is far easier to do in the corner, because your opponent is right in
front of you when you land. Your missile doesn't have to travel far to hit.
This is good for Baraka's slicer, Cage's shadow kick, Mileena's Roll, etc.
Jump Kick - Two Crouch Punches - Uppercut
This works best for the male ninjas and Cage. With the other fighters, just
one crouch punch will suffice. Jump kick your opponent low, immediately duck,
and do two crouching punches. This will juggle them higher where you can then
do the combo of your choice.
Other Corner Combos
I am not going to bother to list these for each fighter because there are too
many. Especially with Kitana. The general corner combo rule is three hits
and you're out. After three consecutive hits, you will get stunned and pushed
out of the corner. But if you can do the move fast enough, you can sometimes
get more hits in. Try experimenting with Kitana fan lift in the corner, using
different series of hop kicks, punches, fan lifts, and fan throws. One
hundred percent damage combos are possible, you will discover.
See the combo lists for...
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.