Headbutt | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Ground Teleport | down - up (flick joystick down) |
Aerial Kick | down + HIGH KICK (must be done in air) |
Hat Throw | back - forward - LOW PUNCH |
Whirlwind Spin | two up - LOW KICK (hold BLOCK) |
Pit/Spikes | three forward - HIGH PUNCH |
Babality | two back - two forward - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | three back - down - HIGH KICK Kung Lao pulls a rabbit out of his hat. |
Fatality 1 | three forward - LOW KICK Stand just within sweep range. Kung Lao removes his razor hat and slices the victim down the middle. |
Fatality 2 | hold LOW PUNCH (back - forward) then release Make sure to guide the hat up so it hits the head. Stand all the way across the screen. Kung Lao throws his hat which decapitates the victim. |
Uppercut: Good
Jump Kick: Weak
Roundhouse: Good
This guy is cool. Not only does he look cool, he is a good fighter. His Hat Throw is steerable, which is good for hitting ducking or jumping opponents. It comes out fairly slow though, keep that in mind. While doing the Whirlwind Spin, he can not be hit by anything other than a missile weapon or the Ground Dmash. It takes a while to fire up, and there is a period where the Spin speeds up and slows down, in which you are vulnerable to regular hits. You must either kick or punch after you do the teleport, otherwise you are likely to get hit. The Aerial Kick is a good suprise weapon. Don't abuse it though, or you will get abused. Try jumping away from your opponent then doing it. Use it sparingly and when least expected.
Jump Kick - Hat Throw
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the hat throw. Be sure to
guide the hat down so it hits the falling opponent.
Hop Kick - Aerial Kick
If your opponent jumps at you, do a hop kick quickly followed by the aerial
kick. This is a very fast combo that takes off good damage.
Jump Kick - Whirlwind Spin
Jump kick your opponent in the corner and execute the spin. Be sure to kick
them low, and start the spin immediately by pressing up and LOW KICK
Whirlwind Spin - Jump Kick
If the opponent is hit with the spin as it is slowing down, Kung Lao recovers
fast enough for him to do a jump kick, aerial kick, or hat throw.
Jump Kick - Sweep - Whirlwind Spin - Aerial Kick
This combo work well against computer opponents who 'extend' on a missile
weapon, such as Scorpion or Baraka. Jump kick low and deep then walk forward
a step or two. Sweep, and as the opponent stands, do the whirlwind spin.
After this hits the opponent, jump forward and do the aerial kick. Also--if
you kick low and deep enough there is no need to walk forward, and sometimes
it is possible to get in a hop kick after the whirlwind spin.
Air Jab - Teleport - Aerial Kick
Punch your opponent as they jump at you with a couple of high jabs. Do the
teleport and kick or punch, which should knock them high enough to get in the
aerial kick.
Played by: Antony Marquez
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.