Stomach Jab | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Axe-Kick | HIGH KICK or LOW KICK (closest to opponent) |
Low Green Bolt | half-circle towards - LOW PUNCH |
High Green Bolt | half-circle away - HIGH PUNCH |
Shadow Uppercut | back - down - back - HIGH PUNCH |
Shadow Kick | back - forward - LOW KICK |
Ball Breaker | LOW PUNCH + BLOCK |
Pit/Spikes | three down - HIGH KICK |
Babality | three back - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | four down - HIGH KICK Cage autographs his photo for his best fan. |
Fatality 1 | two down - two forward - LOW PUNCH Stand close. Cage grabs the victim and rips their torso off, throwing it to the ground. |
Fatality 2 | two forward - down - up Stand close. Cage crouches and punches off the head of the victim with a powerful uppercut. To knock off three heads, hold DOWN and the bottom three buttons until the first head is knocked off. |
Uppercut: Awesome
Jump Kick: Good
Roundhouse: Good
Cage is a great close in fighter. He has excellent low jabs, good for punching crouching opponents. Combine that with the Ball Breaker and the Shadow Kick and he is powerful. The Shadow Kick is best used as part of a combo, or for hitting an unsuspecting opponent. Every once in a while the Shadow Kick will be red, and make a crackling sound. This a random occurence and does nothing special. The Shadow Uppercut is good for hitting jumping opponents and using with combos. Be careful, though, it will leave you hanging in the air if you miss. The Fireballs are good at long range. Mix the high and low to keep your opponent guessing. The High Fireball can be used to hit jumping opponents. The Ball Breaker. Everyone's favorite. Very good against male opponents. It has suprising range and takes off great damage, but if blocked, is easy to retaliate against.
Jump Kick - Shadow Kick
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the shadow kick. If your
opponent is jumping towards you, do a hop kick followed by the shadow
Jump Kick - Shadow Uppercut
Jump kick you opponent low and immediately do the shadow uppercut. You must
kick low and deep and do the shadow uppercut as fast as possible, otherwise it
will be to late to connect. This is easier when close to the corner.
Jump Kick - Low Bolt
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the low green bolt. After
starting the jump kick, keep the joystick in the away position, so you can
quickly do the half-circle motion right after you hit.
Ball Breaker - Turn Around Kick - Shadow Kick
Do the ball breaker against your opponent. Immediately jump over the groaning
victim and kick them low as you turn to face the other direction. Follow this
with the shadow kick or shadow uppercut. The computer does not block this
Ball Breaker - Axe Kick - Shadow Kick
Do the ball breaker against your opponent. Walk forward and do the axe kick.
As soon as Cage recovers from the kick, do the shadow kick. The computer does
not block this combo.
Played by: Daniel Pesnia
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.