Backhand | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Iceball | quarter-circle towards - LOW PUNCH |
Ground Freeze | quarter-circle away - LOW KICK |
Slide | back + LOW PUNCH + BLOCK + LOW KICK |
Pit/Spikes | down - two forward - BLOCK |
Babality | down - two back - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | two back - down - HIGH KICK Sub-Zero attempts to sell you a Sub-Zero doll. |
Fatality 1 |
Fatality 2 | hold LOW PUNCH (two back - down - forward) then release Stand all the way across the screen. Sub-Zero will throw an ice grenade into the stomach of the victim, exploding their top half. |
Uppercut: Weak
Jump Kick: Good
Roundhouse: Awesome
Sub-Zero is another fighter who lacks high power offense. His Iceball is easily blockable. The Ground Freeze is easily avoidable. You must bait your opponent into jumping towards you then get them, either with the roundhouse or the Ground Freeze. If you do hit your opponent, always do the Ground Freeze underneath them. They will have to jump away in order to avoid slipping on the ice. Sub-Zero is a good close range fighter, with good low jabs. The Slide is still a great move, good for close range fighting and at the end of a combo. Copy and paste rule.
Jump Kick - Slide
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the slide. If you do not kick
low and deep enough, the slide may not connect on human opponents. It almost
always works against the computer though.
Jump Kick - Hop Kick - Slide
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do a hop kick, followed by the
slide. Easiest when your opponent is frozen.
Jump Kick - Ground Freeze - Uppercut - Slide
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the ground freeze. Kick them
deep otherwise they will land beyond the range of the ground freeze. If they
slip, hit them with the uppercut then slide.
Played by: Daniel Pesnia
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.