Elbow | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Fan Swipe | back + HIGH PUNCH |
Fan Throw | two forward - HIGH PUNCH + LOW PUNCH (can be done in air) |
Fan Lift | three back - HIGH PUNCH |
Aerial Punch | half-circle away - HIGH PUNCH |
Pit/Spikes | forward - down - forward - HIGH KICK |
Babality | three down - LOW KICK |
Friendship | three down - up - LOW KICK Kitana turns around and produces a cake with candles. |
Fatality 1 | hold LOW KICK (two forward - down - forward) then release Stand close. Kitana leans and kisses the victim, which then expands to unnatural proportions and explodes. |
Fatality 2 | tap BLOCK three times - HIGH KICK Stand close. Kitana draws her fan and decapitates the victim with one swipe. |
Uppercut: Awesome
Jump Kick: Good
Roundhouse: Weak
Kitana has the most devastating move in the entire game: the Fan Lift. If you trap an opponent in this, you can take off at least half of their energy. The trick is getting your opponent to jump into it, which takes some skill. The Aerial Punch is good for hitting jumping opponents and as part of combos. The Fan Throw comes out slowly while done on its on, but as part of a combo, it comes out lightning quick. The Fan Throw takes off average damage. Kitana is fast all around and good at close fighting, with her speedy jabs and kicks. Throw in the Fan Swipe, good for close fighting, and you have one of the best fighters in the game.
Jump Kick - Fan Throw
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the fan throw. Start the two
forward motion right before you kick, then press both punch buttons. If you
are fighting the computer and they block your jump kick, the fan throw will
usually hit.
Jump Kick - Aerial Punch
This is a very impressive looking combo. Jump Kick your opponent low and
quickly do the aerial punch. Works best against opponents who
"bounce" high.
Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Hop Kick
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the fan throw. Start the two
forward motion right before you kick, then press both punch buttons. If you
connect on the first jump kick and get the fan out fast, you can also hop kick
your opponent as the are falling back. You can kill the computer in six
seconds using this combo twice.
Fan Lift - Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Aerial Punch
Catch the opponent with the fan lift and wait until they are near the top.
Walk forward as far as you can then do a jump kick, catching the opponent as
they are falling down. Immediately do the fan throw, quickly followed by a
hop kick or aerial punch. This works very well against Kintaro and Shao
Fan Lift - Jump Kick - Fan Throw - Uppercut
Opponent must be near the corner. Catch the opponent with the fan lift and
wait until they are near the top. Walk forward as far as you can then do a
jump kick, hitting the opponent at the top of the lift. Immediately do the
fan throw. As they are falling down do an uppercut.
Fan Lift - Jump Punch - Fan Throw
If you use a punch instead of a kick, it will knock the opponent higher into
the air, making it easier to do the fan throw. Time the punch so that you hit
them at the peak of the lift.
Played by: Katalin Zamiar
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.