Overhead Hammer | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Ground Smash | hold LOW KICK (4 seconds) then release |
Gotcha Grab | two forward - LOW PUNCH |
Quadruple Slam | throw the opponent then tap HIGH PUNCH |
Energy Wave | half-circle away - HIGH KICK |
Back Breaker | BLOCK (must be done in air) |
Pit/Spikes | two up - down - LOW KICK |
Babality | down - up - down - up - LOW KICK |
Friendship | two down - two up - LOW KICK Jax creates a string of paper dolls. |
Fatality 1 | hold LOW PUNCH (three forward) then release Stand close. Jax claps the victims head with a loud pop, and the skull crumbles in pieces to the ground. |
Fatality 2 | tap BLOCK four times - LOW PUNCH Stand a step away from victim. Jax grabs the victim by the arms and rips them off the body. |
Uppercut: Good
Jump Kick: Good
Roundhouse: Weak
Jax has some very powerful moves, and is a terrific close in fighter. The Quadruple Slam can be done every time you throw your opponent. Just throw them the regular way and tap HIGH PUNCH until the fourth slam is over. The Gotcha Grab can catch unsuspecting and jumping opponents and subject them to facial assault. Up to five face smashes are possible, just keep hitting LOW PUNCH. The Back Breaker is best used as a combo. You can follow most jump kicks or hop kicks with this for additional damage. The energy wave takes off average damage, but has a very long hitting area, which is great for hitting jumpers. Add the Ground Smash to every hit you do for extra damage. The only way to block this is to jump.
Overhead Hammer - Uppercut
The overhead hammer will stun the opponent momentarily. You can follow this
with any move, such as an uppercut or grab and pound. Consecutive hammers are
not possible.
Jump Kick - Energy Throw
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the energy throw. After
starting the jump kick, keep the joystick in the forward/down position, so you
can quickly do the half-circle motion right after you hit.
Jump Kick - Gotcha Grab
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the gotcha grab. Start the two
forward motion right before you hit, then quickly press LOW PUNCH. Jax will
grab nothing but air if not done quickly enough.
Jump Kick - Back Breaker
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the back breaker. Be sure to
kick low and deep. As soon as you press the kick button press BLOCK to
execute the back breaker.
Played by: John Parrish
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.