Elbow | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Teleport Kick | two forward - LOW KICK |
Ground Roll | two back - down - HIGH KICK |
Sai Throw | hold HIGH PUNCH (2 seconds) then release (can be done in air) |
Pit/Spikes | forward - down - forward - LOW KICK |
Babality | three down - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | three down - up - HIGH KICK Mileena grows a flower beneath her outstretched hand. |
Fatality 1 | forward - back - forward - LOW PUNCH Stand close. Mileena repeatedly stabs the victim, lifting them up as blood sprays everywhere. |
Fatality 2 | hold HIGH KICK (2 seconds) then release Stand close. Mileena removes her mask revealing Baraka-like teeth and inhales the victim, spitting out the bones. |
Uppercut: Awesome
Jump Kick: Good
Roundhouse: Weak
Mileena is very effective when playing a controlled offense. The Teleport Kick can be used to knock all jumping opponents to the ground, and to hit opponents right after they fire their missile weapon. It is easy to spot and block, though. Her Sai Throw is a charge weapon which makes it more awkward to use. But once it is mastered, you can throw it into most combos. It can be used in the air to hit jumping opponents. The Ground Roll is the key element to most of her combos. Best used after a jump kick, because if blocked, you are vulnerable to nasty things.
Jump Kick - Sai Throw
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the sai throw. You will
need to charge the move before you jump. Immediately after hitting with the
jump kick, release HIGH PUNCH.
Hop Kick - Sai Throw - Teleport Kick
Hop kick your opponent as they jump towards you and immediately throw the
sai. As soon as you hit on the hop kick release HIGH PUNCH. After the sai
hit do the teleport kick.
Jump Kick - Ground Roll
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the ground roll. Start the two
back motion just before you hit in order to get the move off quickly.
Ground Roll - Air Jab - Sai Throw
When your opponent jumps in front of you, time it so you hit them just before
they land. Sometimes when you hit them, they will get hit back into you. If
this happens you can uppercut, sai throw, or whatever.
Played by: Katalin Zamiar
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.