Backhand | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Double Kick | tap HIGH KICK twice (closest to opponent) |
Blade Swipe | back + HIGH PUNCH |
Blade Fury | three back - LOW PUNCH |
Blue Bolt | quarter-circle away - HIGH PUNCH |
Pit/Spikes | two forward - down - HIGH KICK |
Babality | three forward - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | up - two forward - HIGH KICK (hold BLOCK) Baraka offers the victim a present. |
Fatality 1 | four back - HIGH PUNCH (hold BLOCK) Stand close. Baraka extends his blades from his arms, then decapitates the victim with one swipe. |
Fatality 2 | back - forward - down - forward - LOW PUNCH Stand close. Baraka stabs the victim and lifts them up, then they slowly slide down the blades. |
Uppercut: Good
Jump Kick: Awesome
Roundhouse: Good
One of the best close in fighters. The Blue Bolt is an average missile weapon that does average damage. Baraka is very vulnerable after he shoots it. He can easily be swept from long range, and his arms stick way out, just waiting to be hit. The Blade Fury, the bloodiest move in the game, is good to use for inbound jumping opponents, or as part of a jump kick combo. It is hard to use at close range, because the motion requires three back taps, which move you away from your opponent. The Blade Swipe has long range, about the same as the sweep. The Double Kick may look funny, but it is devastating if used properly. At close range it is unblockable if used twice in a row. That, combined with the swipe, roundhouse, awesome jabs, and good roundhouse, make Baraka one tough fighter. Another asset is his jump kick, which has a huge hitting area. This makes it almost impossible to defend against his jump kicks.
Jump Kick - Blue Bolt
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the blue bolt. After starting
the jump kick, keep the joystick in the down position, so you can quickly do
the quarter-circle motion right after you hit.
Jump Kick - Blade Fury
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the blade fury. Start the
three back motion right before you hit, then quickly press LOW PUNCH. If you
do not connect with the blade fury, you are left vulnerable for an attack.
Double Kick
As you can see, this is my favorite!
Played by: Richard Divizio
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.