Backhand | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Spear | two back - LOW PUNCH |
Teleport Punch | quarter-circle away - HIGH PUNCH (can be done in air) |
Leg Grab | half-circle away - LOW KICK |
Air Throw | BLOCK (must be done in air) |
Pit/Spikes | down - two forward - BLOCK |
Babality | down - two back - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | two back - down - HIGH KICK Scorpion attempts to sell you a Scorpion doll. |
Fatality 1 |
Fatality 2 | hold HIGH PUNCH (down - three forward) then release Stand close. Scorpion slices the victim across the neck then cuts them in two. |
Uppercut: Weak
Jump Kick: Good
Roundhouse: Awesome
Scorpion can be used both defensively and offensively. His roundhouse makes him almost impossible to jump at. The Spear can be used to pull in jumping opponents, and is also good as part of a combo. Always follow the Spear with an uppercut, unless you are feeling cocky. Your opponent will be stunned after they are speared, but do not try to jump over them, they will suddenly revive. The Air Throw is hard to pull off against a decent human opponent. It is effective not at the top of Scorpions jump, but closer to the ground, where it is harder to react to. The Teleport Punch is good to keep people guessing when standing on the far side of the screen. Never use the teleport at an obvious time, it is easy to retaliate to.
Jump Kick - Spear
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the spear. Start the two back
motion right before you hit, then quickly press LOW PUNCH.
Jump Kick - Leg Grab
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the leg grab. After starting
the jump kick, keep the joystick in the forward position, so you can quickly
do the half-circle motion right after you hit.
Teleport Punch - Spear
Teleport punch your opponent and immediately spear. This will work best if
you catch the opponent in the air with the teleport punch, making it easier to
spear them before they hit the ground.
Teleport Punch - Leg Grab
Teleport punch your opponent and immediately do the leg grab. This will work
best if you catch the opponent in the air with the teleport punch, making it
easier to leg grab them just as they hit the ground.
Turn Around Kick - Teleport Punch - Spear
Do a turn around kick on your opponent and immediately do the teleport punch.
If you connect on the teleport punch throw the spear, and finish with an
Played by: Daniel Pesina
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.