Mini Uppercut | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Body Launch | two back - forward (can be done in air) |
Lightning | quarter-circle towards - LOW PUNCH |
Teleport | down - up (flick joystick down) |
Electrocution | hold HIGH PUNCH (4 seconds) and release (close to opponent) |
Pit/Spikes | three up - HIGH PUNCH (hold BLOCK) |
Babality | two down - up - HIGH KICK |
Friendship | down - back - forward - HIGH KICK Raiden creates Kidd Thunder, a miniature likeness. |
Fatality 1 |
Fatality 2 | hold HIGH PUNCH (10 seconds) then release Stand close. Raiden explodes the top half of the victim with a powerful uppercut. A few moments later the head falls to the ground. |
Uppercut: Good
Jump Kick: Weak
Roundhouse: Good
And finally Raiden, the thunder god who turned into a good guy. He is a tremendous offensive player is used right. The Teleport can get you around and out of trouble quickly, and is good for sneaking close to your opponent. The Body Launch can be done in the air, which is good for catching jumpers, or picking them off the ground by just touching their head. The Lightning is an average missile weapon, doing average damage. The Electric Grab is a charge move, which restricts your use of the HIGH PUNCH button and ties up your hands. Not very effective unless you are good at keeping it a suprise. Always do a combo after the Electric Grab shocks your opponent. This move does not work against the computer for some reason.
Jump Kick - Body Launch
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the body launch.
Hop Kick/Punch - Body Launch
Hop kick/punch your opponent in the air and immediately do the body
Jump Kick - Lightning
Jump kick your opponent low and immediately do the lightning. After starting
the jump kick, keep the joystick in the down position, so you can quickly do
the quarter-circle motion right after you hit.
Electric Grab - Two Punches - Body Launch
As Raiden lets go of the opponent after the electric grab, punch twice. This
will pop them into the air, which can be followed by the body launch.
Played by: Carlos Pesina
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.