Terra's Poll and fanfic POV
A half-digested Edo wrote: (get it? kats-digest...oh, never mind...)
>Well, here's an idea of mine, make a story from the POV of your very own fanfic character, you can make that character as a character that connect the junkyard, Enforcer HQ, museum, City Hall, etc.
...and it's a *fine* idea! I generally find things written from first-person perspective to
be a bit, er...distracting, but in this case it could work out well. How about a story written
in the form of journal entries or something - perhaps from the POV of a "Private Detective"
or Enforcer hired by a suspicious member of the Government to keep an eye on Jake and
Chance (i.e. to see if they could actually be the SwatKats)? Cool.
>Arrgghh!! If I ever catches the one that write a love story of either Callie and Jake or Chance and Felina, I will... I will... Nevermind, it's too violent for me to say it. Although that the idea of putting a green ribbon or a purple ribbon to the one that write it does come up.
>But seriously, the only common thing between Callie and Jake is that a LOT people like them.
>Although that if you want to ask who is the most perfect candidate to be in a love story, is say that it is Callie. IMSHO of course.
You can't really do this for a couple of reasons, and these are most effectively
demonstrated by checking out the portrayal of "romance" on today's TV and attempting
to choose one that parallels your definition of it. I've not been very successful. Your idea
of "romantic" will have the effect of confining your story to an audience of people that
share your definition, where such unnecessary restriction would not apply if you merely
leave romantic entanglements at the "flirting" or "anything's possible" stage. Every time that
"romance" has been written into a series storyline where it had previously been avoided
like the plague has failed miserably; case in point: "Moonlighting" and the old series "V".
The "X-Files" has avoided developing stories along these lines despite pressure from
writers and a segment of the audience to do so. Chris Carter thinks it's a bad idea, and
I think it has the effect of shifting the "focus" of a particular show - be it Katsfic or 'Files -
from those elements that made it successful in the first place. That, and I've *never*
read a piece of fic that didn't make romantic endeavours sound like the back cover
of a Harlequin Romance novel.
Do I want to see Callie and Jake on a romantic level deeper than say, oh...Jenna and Balto?
Not a chance.
Received on Wed May 08 1996 - 11:40:39 PDT
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