Fwd: JQ, SWAT Kats, and 2 Stupid Dogs (fwd)

From: Buster Bunny <buster_at_fdt.net>
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 22:53:33 -0400 (EDT)

Contained below is some E-mail I sent to ToonNet_at_aol.com and the
responce i got back...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 8 May 1996 16:52:01 -0400
From: ToonNet_at_aol.com
To: buster_at_fdt.net
Subject: Fwd: JQ, SWAT Kats, and 2 Stupid Dogs

Hi there Buster Bunny...thanks for writing! You'll be pleased to know that
JQ will be returning in the fall with all new episodes in the New Adventures
of Johnny Quest! New episodes for SwatKats and Two Stupid Dogs are a
possibilty for the new season next fall so stay tooned! Keep on watching!

The Cartoon Network
Forwarded message:
From: buster_at_fdt.net (Buster Bunny)
To: ToonNet_at_aol.com
Date: 96-05-06 08:14:43 EDT

I was wondering why Johny Quest was being pulled off of TCN? Does it
have something to do with the planned revival?

I also wanted to say that I love SWAT Kats and 2 Stupid Dogs, as these
shows are quite new are there any more episodes in the works? I haven't
seen a new one for a while...

Just as a side note it might not be a bad idea to finish up Pirates of
Dark Water either, that was a great show!

                        -Buster Bunny <buster_at_fdt.net>
                         PO Box 90371
                         Gainesville FL, 32607

Received on Wed May 08 1996 - 23:23:26 PDT

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