A while ago, you wrote. . .
>.. . .Right now I am looking for ways to be able to have club type
>activities and other stuff as well. This is where
>you the fans come in cause I need all the help I can get. (Come to
>think of it I'm beyond help but that's besides the
>point.) The club is now free to join, but if there are going to be
>club activities going on then I'm going to ask for a
>small fee to be able to do it. (IE Mailings, Newsletters, Misc, etc..)
>I got the system to do this stuff but for mass
>printing I don't have the means and I would have to go to the lowest
>price printing place. If there is money left over I
>will use the money to get Swat Kats merchandise (If I can find any) and
>hold a raffle for it. I will not be looking for
>ways to make a profit on this and I am intent on making this a
>non-profit club. I would like this to be one of the best
>clubs thats out there. If we work together and pull our resources
>together then I know this club can fly high. Also, if
>you have any special talents or you can write let me know and we could
>start working on a newsletter even if its going
>to be electronic.
>Walter P. Koziol, Jr. (Pres, Vice Pres, Sec, Treasurer,
>Editor-in-Charge, etc..)
>email address wkoziol_at_ix.netcom.com
>I got to many titles and I need someone to take some of these titles
>off of me as soon as possible. Thanks!!! :)
Hi Walt,
Sorry it took so long to get back to you, but, you know how all that
If there's anything I can do to help, with what time I do have, I would
be more than happy to do so. It would be nice to see the fan club really
take flight. Especially now, while we all sit patiently awaiting the
return of the Kat Guys to a week broadcast schedule (with all new Katseps
(a guy can hope)).
Just let me know what I can do.
BTW-I'm sending this reply to the KatsList as well. Prohaps there are
some KatFolks out there that might like to help.
Received on Tue Mar 19 1996 - 11:05:55 PST
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