Re: The Turner Merger, Jungle Kats from Borneo and unshaven Geese..

From: Casshan <>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 1996 21:00:31 -0700

>>Ryan "B-Ko in a blue dress" Kelly wrote:

What's that supposed to mean??

>>>Me, I'm Ryan Kelley! Give me a nickname to add to my collection! If you need
>>>one, I'll give you one! How about Waisgoos? (A stubble goose used to
>>>entertain travelers at carnivals)
>>Hey, I'm no Waisgoos, okay, I'll admit I used to be Michael the Leopard Boy
>>from Borneo, that was just for the customers. If you want more nicknames I
>>have a million of them. Literally!

Read my signature dookiky. I bet YOU don't have a nickname like that!
>>Geez, is everyone on this list flipping out or is it just me?

Well, I sure am (Right now, I swear I have no mind!)!!
>Hmm. Bisexual Anime, obscure references to little-known carnival attractions

Are you talking about that guy I created on One Must Fall: 2097? (Rocco, the
bisexual transectual transvestite drag queen!)

>(in the name of the lord, what, pray tell, is a "stubble goose"? "Boris"
with the

How am I supposed to know what a stubble goose is?

>"Don Johnson" look perhaps?), all CAPS rants as the sole indication that the
>Army of Reason is in full retreat before the Dark Forces of Glucose? The dread
> mention of the mystical Leopard Boy from Borneo after a post full of Anne
> faux-French?

"Mister director! EXPLAIN THIS!!" - Accadi-Datgutchi Daitokuji

> (Hey, I'm an honours graduate of Paranoia 101!).

Hey! I've gotten a PHD in the subject!

>(Do any of us really care about this stuff, or should I stick to subjects like
> Callie's ear-rings?)
What ear rings? Oh! I know! You mean those ones that never appear in the
show because she kept putting it off til the last minute then forgetting to
wear them, and then, THEN, when the series was CANNED, all she could say was

Ryan "Nucluear Powered Dog Hair Eater" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
SWAT Kats Mega extremist, anime fan. Who is going out of his mind.
"No, you can't stop using Waisgoos because I gave it to you!" -Kristin Schaffer

Received on Mon Jun 03 1996 - 00:15:05 PDT

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