Asobi wa owari da.

From: Ratman <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 23:38:52 -0400 (EDT)

With a subject like that, it can only be Kiken!!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 5 Jun 1996 23:33:27 -0400 (EDT)
From: mugg charles <>
Subject: Asobi wa owari da.

Kiken here, supporter of the first Japanese Sonic homepage, am giving
this list its final post to say my 'Sayounara's' and such. ;)

To Ken:
  Even though the only comics I read are in Japanese, it was nice to see
that one of my favourite characters of all time was being respectfully
portrayed through your comic. Dou mo arigatou.

To Dan:
  For all the spoilers that gave me a chance to see what Ken was writing. ;)

To Joe:
  For his insight, despite the fact that his opinions were very brash.

To Matt:
  For maintaining the Sonic IRC channel. I know I haven't been there in
a while, but I should resurface by this weekend. BTW, I have a tape with
6 hours of Jungle Emperor ready for you, pray that the post offices here
finally get in some videotape mailing boxes.

To Rat:
  For giving us this list to spark debate and discussion on the world of
Mobius. I hope you are enjoying the recording of Mega Sonic CD that I sent.
Dou mo arigatou gozaimashita.

To Sonic 4:
  Someone I haven't spoken to in a LONG time. I hope you also enjoy the
copy of Mega CD Sonic that I sent you. Keep that artwork coming.

Now for something completely different:
  I had wished to make this upon the arrival of the tapes at my house,
but seeing as the list is going down, I'm making the posting early, to
all those interested in obtaining a copy of the Sonic The Hedgehog Anime
(from Japan), please contact me personally, I will then return your
E-mail messages with the appropriate info when I recieve the tapes.

Special goodbyes to:
Dan Ramos (the one up above was Dan Drazen)
Fangaroo (how was Duckon?)
and to all the others that I had interaction with.

"Why are we neccassary?"
"To rise to the challenge."

"Life without pain isn't real life."

"Hitotsu meno kotopa wa yume...
 nemuri no naka kara..."

Kiken signing off.

This message from the Baltimore Ronin,
homepage at:

     /---/ |\ /\ "To live a life of power,
    / / | \ / \ you must have faith in what you
   / / | / / \ believe, even if others tell you
    ------- |/ /------\ you are wrong;
   / __ |\ __|__ The first step to living a life of
  / | | | \ | | | power is to find courage, you must
 / | _| | / |__|__| be prepared to reach beyond the
/ |_____| |/ | boundaries of time itself;
                   | / \ And to do that, all you need is the
                                     will to take that very first step."

Received on Wed Jun 05 1996 - 23:40:19 PDT

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