Reply to: Re: Sonic #36

From: Brian Ellis <>
Date: Fri, 10 May 1996 16:32:44 -0400

>Hmmm. You must be new here. We talked about this earier this year. I'm
>not really going to go into detail here, but maybe someone else on the list
>can come up with something.

> -Chris Flinn
> Ciao!

     Yes, I am new here. I forgot to introduce myself in my message. I'm sorry that I cannot be able to see the current conversation that is going or has already been explained. But time will take that away.

     Anyways, has anyone seen Knuckle #1 yet? I've just recently bought it and it looks alright. The map near the end of it is a great addition to explaining the island.

-Brian Ellis

Received on Sat May 11 1996 - 01:57:21 PDT

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