Ted is very confused by the turn of events...
Ted: Fred! Get up! Help me!
Dr. McCoy, looking at the body of Fred: He's dead, Jim.
Ted, looking out of window: You'll pay for this, katfans!
Brother Buford, previously hidden in the katfan crowd, suddenly has an
inspiration. He leaps into his 1975 Plymouth and flicks on the CB radio.
Buford: Breakah, breakah 1-9...[imagine a southern accent] I'm lookin' for
Nickolas Inge... come in Nick.
chance, looking over his shoulder: What are you doing? We've got him
going. What are you trying to do?
Buford: I'm just calling for Nicki Inge, a former kat-hater who now
sympathizes with our cause. He's a JROTC Battalion Commander and a crack
shot. Jus' what we need for ol' Tedster.
Edo, looking up: Everybody down! Ted's striking back!
Wheeler, in the Planeteer airplane thingy: I thought you had been warned!
<a streak of flame passes over the katfans' heads>
chance: We have no choice. Let *our* powers combine! _More Katseps!_
Ryan: _Rant 'n' Rave!_
Terra: _Blood!_
Doc Conway: _Age & Excess Body Fat!_
Brother Buford: _Chicken Sandwich!_
<katfans look at each other with puzzled looks>
katfans: *Chicken Sandwich?!*
Brother Buford: Alright, alright! I couldn't think of anything!
<colored streaks come from the hands of the five, meeting above in the air>
Kaptain Katmandu: By your powers combined (and the chicken sandwich) I am
Kaptain Katmandu, helper of katfans everywhere!
Ted, puzzled: What next?!
While this is going on, a blue Jeep Cherokee pulls up next to a flaming
barrel on the frontlines without Ted noticing. A guy wearing an Army shirt
and a boonie hat gets out with a .22 Mag rifle under his arm. Ted does not
notice this.
Ted: Kaptain Katmandu! What a joke! Why don't you call your beloved SWAT
Brother Buford: Yeah, it is kinda dumb. [aside] Nice diversion, though.
With this, Kaptain Katmandu disappears into thin air.
Without a sound, the sniper draws a bead on Ted's right temple. Ka-POW!
The bullet's aim is true and lodges deep in the Tedster's head.
Nicki Inge: Got 'em!
Ted: Aaaaagh! The...the...the power is yours...is yours...yours...is
chance runs up to the wall of the building as the Tedster falls from his
window and hits the ground.
Terra: What? No blood?
chance: That's odd.
Just then, a tape and a spring pop out of a hidden compartment under the
Tedster's suit coat.
chance: Oh no! This isn't the *real* Ted! It's only a robot like the rest
of Tedco! We have to find the real Ted!
-----====[To be continued...]====-----
Received on Mon Jun 24 1996 - 00:30:36 PDT
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