Re: Ages of listmembers, Feral and some junk.

From: Pastmaster <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 21:52:05 -0700

>>>Sorry, Ryan. I've got a wall and a half of SK images,
>>If they're computer made... I want em!
>Me too! =D

C'mon! help us out here! I won't leave you alone!! I'll do something
drastic!!! (such as when I E-mailed Louallen "Mongoo" Wheeler 40 copies of
the same *long* E-mail.) Remember, I do byte!!!!
>>>three of the four Remco figs,
>>I'll pay you if you buy me 'em. I don't have a place to buy 'em here!
>Same here!
I live in a small town without even a police deopt. Help me out here!

>>>the video game,
>>Damn! I want a Super Nintendo with SWAT Kats game! I've asked and asked, but
>>my parents keep saying no!
>Yeah, I know--I have a Sega, guess it'll have to do until somebody gets a
>brainstorm and makes a Sega game. =P And waiting is *NOT* one of my strong

Well, It's better than having that BIG parental wall in your face!
>>>SK computer wallpaper,
>>I want it! I don't care how crammed my E-mail server gets! If it's
anything downloadable, I'd kill to have it!
>>>and check my screen name.

Check mine! I'm getting better!
>Oh, I'd take Jake, I don't care if I'm a girl! (I've met a girl one time,
>and her name was Jake!!! Amazing, wot? ;) )

>> Annnddd I wouldn't mind dating four SK characters:)
>Well, gee, there's only two *I* like--three guesses, and the first two don't
>count!! ;)
>>You have an advantage over me, YOU'RE FEMALE!!! I won't let you foreget it!
>Well, maybe you can say they're "cute," but not as in "attractive" or
>"desireable" cute, maybe "fuzzy" cute, or perhaps "cool" cute or . . . oh
>dear, I'm not making sense again, aren't I?

That's what I like. I wouln't mind being best friends with the SWAT Kats...
and the rest of the male SWAT Kats cast! (Geez! I'm a wreck!)
>>Give me a break, okay? (Man! If I was only born a girl!!)
>Uhhhhhh <starts backing away> Ryan, DON'T GO THERE!!!!

Don't worry. I won't! I'm not that desprate and I don't think I ever will be!

>>Is shi ma ta! (translation: DAMN!) I don't get to see those two shows! Adler
>>was also on Capt. Planet playing as a jackal, 2 stupid dogs an the grey
>>amobia (is that thing a supposed to be a dog? I just don't see it!)
>Capt. Planet????? Ahhhhh! What is he doing THERE?????!!!

He was a jakal. Ted obviously dosn't like him!

>(I'm kiddin', I've seen his name on the credits before. I started screaming
at him "WHAT THE
>*HELL* ARE YOU DOING ON THAT SHOW????" Got me a lotta weird looks. ;) )

When I see that "Idea thought up by: Ted Turner" thing at the start of the
credits, I end up laugh ing though the credits. I get lotsa looks from my
idiot brother!
>>>Kris Clawson
>>>"...And you actually want me to do something?!"

Yeah! Give me *EVERY* computer image you've got through the modem *NOW!!!*
>>Hey, mabye we could become good friends!! We're extremists over the same
>>thing! Hey, mabye we could get everyone else (Terra excluded since Terra and
>>I are a lot alike[great minds think alike]) to become as in love with the
>>show as we are (guys are at a disadvantage, here but I don't care!)
>Oooo! Do I get to help?? Huh? Huh? Huh? I wanna help! I wanna help! Can I
>help?? ;)

Sure. The more, the better!
>>Ryan "The mood man" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
>>SWAT Kats Ultra Super Mega Extremist, anime fan. You mean I'm supposed to
>>HAVE a mind?
>No, you're not. It's not healthy for someone like you.

Thanks! That means so much to me!
>>"Help mommey! I'm scared!!" -Louallen "Jedimaster Louie" "Zazzy" Wheeler
>Louie's actually said that? Ha ha ha!!!!
Then I qoute "Listen A-ko, that girl is the heir to the Kotobuki fourtune
and you know what that means.... If we rescued C-ko, the Kotobuki financial
agency would be incredibly grateful... Thank you, B-ko! You can find money
in anything! You're a sharp one!" -Project A-ko Vs Battle One Grey Side
Ryan "Dolly Demple" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
SWAT Kats Ultra Super Mega Extremist fanatic, anime fan.
You mean I'm supposed to HAVE a mind?
"Help mommey! I'm scared!!" -Louallen "Jedimaster Louie" "Zazzy" Wheeler

Received on Wed Jun 19 1996 - 01:20:45 PDT

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