Re: Supernatural Kats/Fanic news
At 11:37 PM 6/7/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Mike the Discordian wrote:
>>What I think is so interesting about the kats world is the attitude of
>>scientists (like Dr. Sinian) to magic. I guess there was never a Cartesian
>>division (between science and magic/religion) in the kats world. There
>>never should have been one in ours either.
>It's kind of curious what the Kat scientists don't seem to show any interest
>in. For instance, if someone like the Pastmaster showed up in this world
>with a working time-travel device, some scientists would want to throw a net
>over him and get a look at that watch. Same with mouldy mummys with ancient
>energy weapons. The Kats seem to say "Ho-hum- there's another time vortex
>created by the Pastmaster- let's see what's on telly..."
Yeah, I thought that kind of odd, too--but then again, we're dealing with
a society where it's *normal* for enforcers to run around in tanks in main
streets and for supervillians to make constant attempts on destruction or
conquering of the city. I think modern, say New Yorkers for example, of our
world wouldn't *dare* to even pass through--NYC is safe (at least from
supervillians) in comparison to Megakat City. We don't know *what* these
guys are accostomed to as part of their daily life.
As for magic/science/religion/, I don't think Megakat City exists in a
type of universe where it's presence is common knowledge in society (unlike,
say, a Simon Hawkes novel), but with the people so accostmed to everything
else, it's rediscovery with the awakening of the Pastmaster was not a big thing.
For Abi, I think she was a scholar, trying to take things from a critical
viewpoint (as opposed to someone like Fox Mulder), as a historian, but she
probably had more belief than the average, yuppie kat. When the saberkat
came alive, there simply *wasn't* another way to explain it--she had to be
as accepting as she could to say, "Ok, magic exists and now we have to deal
with it" so they could handle the situation. In "Children..." she's a
believer, but still tries to take a critical viewpoint. In "Vilthuril" she
has a struggle of her own with powers of *her own* that she discovers more
about (but that you'll all have to hold out on).
(PS: Hey Terra remember when I gave you the quote and made the Vilthuril/WD
reference? *This* is what I was talking about. E-mail me privately)
AAAANNNNDD . . . so I don't have to waste a whole other note to clog your
mailboxes, I've got some news! FINALS ARE OVER! YAY! (and I passed! Except
maybe Spanish). Anyway, "Vilthuril" is almost done--I'm looking towards
finishing it by Monday. I'll get a poor man's copyright (don't ask) in a few
days and send it to Max hopefully by next Friday (though G-d knows when
he'll put it up). I've only got 2 weeks until I go on teen tours for six
weeks! During that time I hope to write some smaller fanfic--fun stuff--on
the rode, and hopefully when I get back *someone else* will have posted
Also: Ryan, count your Kbs. I think I finally beat you (heh heh).
Dr. Jake Clawson
"Accidents are conspiricies we don't know about."
-Sensei McGee
Received on Sat Jun 08 1996 - 17:19:21 PDT
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