I got this little ditty in the mail after an email I sent in...
>From: ToonNet_at_aol.com
>Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 21:40:17 -0400
>To: fuller_at_sioux.sodak.net
>Subject: Fwd: Swat Kats: SKIQ
>Hello Frank!
> Alas, the rumor you heard was just that--a rumor!
> We still don't have "SKIQ".
> But if we ever get it, you can be sure we'll show it! We know there are
>tons of SWAT Kats fans out there--we hear from them all the time!
> Your website sounds cool! We'll try to check it out if we can ever get out
>from under this cyber-mountain of e-mail!
>Thanks for writing and stay tooned!
>Cartoon Network
>Forwarded message:
>From: fuller_at_sioux.sodak.net (Frank Fuller)
>To: toonnet_at_aol.com
>Date: 96-04-18 02:13:06 EDT
> Is the rumor I heard of you having found the SK episode 'SKIQ'
>really true? I hope so... I'd love to see it! And I know I'm not the only
>one who'd love to... There are lots of Kats fans out there, you know... :>
>Frank Fuller
>Proud to be a Swat Kats fan at nearly 22
>Check out the Kats WWW page!!! http://rat.org/kats/ for info!
Received on Mon May 13 1996 - 03:32:02 PDT