SWAT Kats music

From: DJ CLAWSON <XXRJ13C_at_prodigy.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Mar 1996 16:05:22 EST

Edo wrote:
>I think that one of SWAT Kats best features is its music, it changes
according to the scene.

>Example: The scene when Jake and Chance leave the Enforcer and then
stranded in the junkyard,
> the music is life changing.

BRIAN PIERCE IS AWESOME! (if I've spelled his name right, that would
be cool too . . .). I'm a bit of a new Queen fan, especially after
the Highlander
movie I just saw.

Brian loves those high guitar solos--which is quite noticable in the
of season 1 (didn't care too much for season 2) and in the scene
Edo's mentioned.
Also, that "life changing" sad music he was talking about is repeated
a few
times in season 1. Catch it again in the beginning of "The
Metallikats", when
Feral is talking to the guy who escaped the burning building. and he
says, "Mac
and Molly have been dead for months" it kicks up real high.

                              Dr. Jake

Received on Fri Mar 29 1996 - 16:34:00 PST

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