Re: King Acorn

From: Erich Schulman (KTN4CA) -- Team OS/2 <"Erich>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1995 15:21:45 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 20 Mar 1995, Dan Drazen wrote:

> Good question. The situation is muddied by the reappearance of Sally's
> father (apparently in one piece) in the Married With Children scenario
> at the end of "Sally's Quest" (In Your Face #1). So escape would appear
> to be possible.

If I recall the episode summary correctly, Sonic at point allowed himself
to get sucked into The Void. If that is indeed correct, escape must be
possible or Sonic would still be there. Of course, he wasn't in as long
as the King was. But if Sonic knew how to escape himself, when did he
find out and how? It must have been shortly before that episode;
otherwise, the King would have been rescued (possibly in time) prior to
that episode.

The Sally mini-series #1 gets around the issue by saying that no one is
certain of his fate now.
> Assuming that he COULD eventually get out of the Void (and exactly how
> that could be accomplished is something for those of us who dabble in
> fanfic to consider), the question of succession rears it head.
> Theoretically, the King could legitimately reclaim the throne...unless
> he chooses to abdicate in favor of Sally. Heaven knows, she would have
> earned it!

I was going to have a reference to him in the story I am co-writing, but
now I'm not so sure I can do it (the reference, the story's still in

I don't really have anything to base this on, but I get the feeling Sally
would be content with (if not preferring) he reclaim the throne unless he
asked her to take his place. Any speculation on what he would want to do?

It might be better to spin this off into another thread, but what should
become of Robotnik after his final defeat (assuming he is not killed in
action)? Any chance Sonic, Sally, and the King might even agree on what
to do with him?

-- Erich Schulman (KTN4CA) + Team OS/2 -------------------------------
| A net.freedom-fighter for Mobius! |
| "Freedom Fighters are #1 !" -- Sonic the Hedgehog | +

Received on Mon Mar 20 1995 - 15:20:01 PST

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