The result of the survey. Part 1.

From: Edo Andromedo <>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 1996 19:17:07 +0700 (WIB)

        Okay, here are the result of the survey,17 people entered their
info to this survey, and here are the result.

Subject: Gender

         17 people answer the "Gender?" question, 4 of them says FEMALE and
13 of them says MALE.

Subject: Age

        17 people answer the "Age?" questions, here they are divided
according to their age groups:

        <- 16 = 7 (4 Male; 3 Female)
        17-20 = 2 (2 Male)
        21-29 = 3 (3 Male)
        30-39 = 3 (2 Male; 1 Female)
        40 -> = 2 (2 Male)

Subject: Geographical locations

        17 people answer the "Where do you live?" question, here are where
their live.

        USA = 11
        CANADA = 4 (2 Ontario; 1 British Columbia; 1 Nova Scotia)
        ASIA = 2 (1 Singapore; 1 Indonesia)

Subject: Marital status

        17 people answer the "Married?" question, 2 of them says YES, 15 of
them says NO. And 1 would marry one of the characters from SWAT Kats, after
all, how do you say *no* to a kat anyway? :)

The part 2 to will be post soon. (I hope)

Received on Fri Jul 26 1996 - 08:45:14 PDT

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