Re: A few things: (Actually, a lot!)

From: Luann Woods <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 19:16:00 -0700 wrote:
> Just to settle the argument, Sally and Sonic were 13 at the commencement, and
> they're currently 15 right now. The story with Julayla was written just
> before "Blast to the Past" aired, as we were working from a script because we
> needed to establish the character of Rosie. As I recall, the time-line wasn't
> too established in the script we were working from, as the war was only going
> on for a couple of years.
> We worked out our own timeline as a result, based on SEGA treating the
> characters as if they aged at the same rate we do. If we treated them in
> terms of how animals really age (so many of their years = one of ours), Sonic
> and Sally would've been portrayed as battle-hardened adults by this time. As
> further proof of this, when we portrayed Sonic and Sally married in the
> future, there were a few comments about how old they should be to get
> married.
> To go by the timeline that the war started when Sonic and Sally were five
> didn't make sense, especially when you factor in their current age. As far as
> we were concerned, this was one time when the show got it wrong. However,
> because it's TV, most people accept that version as gospel. My attitude is
> that it's the games that establish the world of Sonic, with the series,
> paperbacks and comics filling in the details, with neither one more valid
> than the other. Mike and I tried to be consistent with all versions, but for
> various reasons, couldn't always be.
> Mike and I constantly disagree over what happens in the world of Sonic, as we
> try our best to do the best stories we can. And our approach definitely
> differs from the other writers involved in the series. That doesn't mean
> they're wrong or bad. They just have a different slant on the characters and
> series.
> So go ahead, enjoy your take on the world of SONIC. Think of Sonic like some
> of the other classic characters, and how many different versions of Batman
> and Superman there are. I guess you could chalk it all up to artistic
> interpretation.
> However, if you ask a question to settle a debate, you're going to get my
> interpretation that I work out with the editors at Archie and the licensing
> department at SEGA, okay?
> Kenokay, I just thought that someone should mention that if history was the
subject, that's all.


Received on Tue Apr 30 1996 - 21:13:44 PDT

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