Re: A few things: (Actually, a lot!)

From: <>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 1996 11:27:47 -0400

Just to settle the argument, Sally and Sonic were 13 at the commencement, and
they're currently 15 right now. The story with Julayla was written just
before "Blast to the Past" aired, as we were working from a script because we
needed to establish the character of Rosie. As I recall, the time-line wasn't
too established in the script we were working from, as the war was only going
on for a couple of years.

We worked out our own timeline as a result, based on SEGA treating the
characters as if they aged at the same rate we do. If we treated them in
terms of how animals really age (so many of their years = one of ours), Sonic
and Sally would've been portrayed as battle-hardened adults by this time. As
further proof of this, when we portrayed Sonic and Sally married in the
future, there were a few comments about how old they should be to get

To go by the timeline that the war started when Sonic and Sally were five
didn't make sense, especially when you factor in their current age. As far as
we were concerned, this was one time when the show got it wrong. However,
because it's TV, most people accept that version as gospel. My attitude is
that it's the games that establish the world of Sonic, with the series,
paperbacks and comics filling in the details, with neither one more valid
than the other. Mike and I tried to be consistent with all versions, but for
various reasons, couldn't always be.

Mike and I constantly disagree over what happens in the world of Sonic, as we
try our best to do the best stories we can. And our approach definitely
differs from the other writers involved in the series. That doesn't mean
they're wrong or bad. They just have a different slant on the characters and

So go ahead, enjoy your take on the world of SONIC. Think of Sonic like some
of the other classic characters, and how many different versions of Batman
and Superman there are. I guess you could chalk it all up to artistic

However, if you ask a question to settle a debate, you're going to get my
interpretation that I work out with the editors at Archie and the licensing
department at SEGA, okay?


Received on Tue Apr 30 1996 - 12:23:18 PDT

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