
From: Michael Emil Hansen <>
Date: Mon, 19 Feb 1996 00:47:52 +-100

Hey Goys.

I am writing from Denmark, a little green spot north for Germany.
Well we see Sonic too her in Denmark, and I am relay pleats with the series, that me and my brother have started on writing a manuscript, to connect the series for Sonic the Hedgehog. I will be weary happy if some of you goys will help me out with some changes to the story.
We intent to draw the cartoon alone, but if any of you have some 3D drawings of the caricatures, I will be most happy to receive them as well

Commander Sonic Data - Michael Emil Hansen

I will like to receive the stuff at this address, and do any of you now where I can get some of the Comics about Sonic the Hedgehog her in Denmark, or cud some of you scan a few of the comics in and sent them to me.

Received on Mon Feb 19 1996 - 00:52:11 PST

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