On Tue, 28 Nov 1995 Benny7dude_at_aol.com wrote:
> English-language copies of many of our comics actually do make it into South
> Africa and onto store shelves, however there is no subscription service as of
> yet. That may change in the future, however. You'd be surprised at just
> where our English-language comics end up, in fact. In addition to South
> Africa, many turn up in India, Australia and of course, England. Just
> thought that tidbit would interest you...
Do you know how your comics get to those countries? Are there
distributors that new, international list subscribers can be referred
to? This information would be a valauble addition to the FAQ's as well
as the Merchandise List.
Erich Schulman (KTN4CA) [Team OS/2] A net.freedom-fighter for Mobius!
"Freedom Fighters are #1!" -- Sonic the Hedgehog
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Received on Tue Nov 28 1995 - 15:49:49 PST