-> Alas, after seeing Sonic #28, I have somthing to say. Looking
-> through "Growing Pains", I saw a cartoon, female fox. This made
-> me lose all hope that Sally is a fox. I'm sure I'll go into denial,
-> but I'll pull through.
-> Thanks, Tarl
Rob Haynie,
> Tarl-- At the risk of sounding like a petty, childish fool--
> WE TOLD YOU SO!!! (dances like the absolute lunatic he is!)
Heheheh. Hey Rob, are you pro-weasel or one of the ground-squirrel
lobbyists? :)
Btw,, at the moment I'm working on a Sally GIF->ASCII conversion.
Here's a sneak preview...
.d888888'| `,""~ `888888888888888888888|
d88888888| | / `8888888888888888888
d8888888888\ \/ _-~~~~~-_ \8888888888888888'
|88888888888|` /' `\ 888888888888/88'
888888888888| .~ `\|888888888' <'
888888888888| | .----._ /8888888/~\ \
888888888888| | /~____ ~-./88888/'`|\ >,\
`88888888888| | |/~,--.`~-._/888/'\ |88//~ \
|8888888888| | | | /\ \ /88/. `\ `\8<' \
\8888888888. \ `\|<88\ | '~~ `\ `\ ___ |
\8888888888. `\ \88/ | > | | |
`8888888888. _-----` `---+--------' `-,' /
`888888888b' .'
`88888888b /~--_____./'.'
`*8888888b_ \ /' .'
"*8888888b._ `---'_/'
I'm still working on the rest of the body.. (Any assistance
with the details in the above would be appreciated too. :)
(How can you let a monarch be represented by an American animal anyway...)
Received on Wed Sep 13 1995 - 10:38:54 PDT