Well, after quite a bit of work, I finally got my site organized so feel
free to drop by when you have a chance.
I don't have an incoming directory yet (I still have to figure out some
Unix commands) but the stories and images are there.
Speaking of which . . .
To Ratman:
Any chance you could send me some info on how to set one up?
For your reference, I already tried chmod go+rwx and I've been having
problems with that.
"How does Microsoft's Bill Gates change a light bulb?"
"He doesn't. He just declare darkness the industry standard."
--David Pistone's distinguished collection of dumb lightbulb jokes
David M. Pistone -- rotor_at_primenet.com __ __ ____ ___ ___ ____
/__)/__) / / / / /_ /\ / /_ /
http://www.primenet.com/~rotor / / \ / / / / /__ / \/ /___ /
Received on Mon Feb 27 1995 - 17:12:31 PST