Well, I've decided to stop the petition, like what Patowski said, also
no matter how many people sign, it's still one letter The site will be
changed into an addy list, and I will welcome addresses and faxes to
Turner and CN. I only have a Hanna Barberra Address,(and fax, but I will
accept more) which is from the SWAT Kats FAQ. The list will be changed
into a "supporting the cause" list, and the icons will still be passed
out, this information is also on the website,
http://www.netcom.com/~twip/bbtsk/ . So here's what I've got..:
Hanna-Barbera Cartoons Inc.
3400 Cahuenga Blvd. West
Hollywood, CA 90068
Attn: Fred Seibert
FAX: (213) 969-1201
.. I already tried Turner's site.. but they don't even mention
cointacting them. The official CN page is the same thing. Pass this
address to your non-wired friends.. That's all for this post..
-J. Fernandez
P.s.: Faxing is good,
Received on Mon Jul 15 1996 - 14:16:15 PDT