BS&P, 'Toon violence, etc.

From: Paul Kemner <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 1996 13:58:11 -0400 (EDT)

Gosh- and I hadn't gotten chance's post when I sent my last one! Must be
true, what they say about great minds rolling in the same rut!

chance channeled:
>I like Doc Konway's description of JQ from way back when (and I have
>to paraphrase, my memory isn't _that_ good):
>>"Ah yes, Jonny Quest. Lots of HOV's (Horrible-Oriental-Villains) mowed
>> down with machine-guns every week..." (or something very similar)
I donknow- I always though that JQ was pretty multi-cultural in it's day.
Sure you had Dr. Zin, but what about the Russky Commies, The Nazi-survivals,
the WWI pilot, the Scandinavian Dwarf, the Upper-Class Brits, Arab
mummy-resurectors- etc.etc.etc! You couldn't trust anyone!

>Different kind of violence in Scooby
I think that Scooby is the most anti-business show ever made! Geez! If I was
a Bircher, I'd be convinced that they had Karl Marx as a story consultant.
<Now kids, whenever anything goes wrong, it's because some greedy
businessperson is acting like a ghost to scare away the competition!>

Received on Thu Jul 04 1996 - 14:15:11 PDT

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