Edo's trip back to the hotel....
Edo entered:
> Now I can use the mega search light (which is BTW, part of the Metallikat
>Express' arsenal, if it isn't
So you *did* look at the dash as well as the weapons panel- smart! It *is*
in working order, so you just make sure you didn't leave anything behind at
your hotel! On your way back, can you pick up some scrap at the salvage
yard? Some different sizes of brake drums, different diameters of metal
tubing, and other resonant metal junk will come in handy.
>I'll already started to miss DJ. Oh well, I hope that <Ryan's> operation is
a >success.
>>PS Edo- Stick shift or Automatic-
>Stick shift.
Good! Too many folks only learn automatic. (I had to teach my wife to use a
stick shift! "Hoo Boy" as Boris would say!) It'll take you longer, but it'll
be easier for you to drive exotic vehicles once you know how. Things with
hand-throttles and starter pedals, multi-range gearboxes, and seperate right
and left side brakes!
>BTW, I think that Bruno Abud once mention something about the Kats'
>alternate names in his place.
Maybe what this newsgroup needs is an archive to keep some of the more
interesting stuff. It probably doesn't belong in a FAQ, but chance's corp
history of the Kats, and other official stuff would be a help for those of
us who weren't in on this list's inception.
today's imponderable: can the Kats see in the dark?
Received on Mon Jul 01 1996 - 10:15:07 PDT
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