Re: Fanfics gone?

From: Michael J. Rider <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 1996 21:09:56 -0400

In a message dated 3:34 PM 6/23/96, Erin O'Connell wrote:

>I was just in the site and when I tried to acces the FanFics,
>I got an error message that the URL was no longer on my Server. I
>tried most everthing else in the site without a problem, so I wonder
>if it was my computer freaking out again or if there's a problem.
>Has anyone else had this problem (or am I alone in my insanity?) : )

        No comment about possible insanity; <G> there's no more fanfic
there. A day or two ago I got this message from

** Ratman **
>I am no longer doing Kat fan fiction.
>Max has agreed to take it over, so go to:
>or FTP to the same location.

        Ah well, it's his disk. Maxie also looked empty the last time I
checked, so there may not be any more Kats fanfic sites. >AACK!<

-- ___________________________________________________________________
   / Michael J. Rider / As far as the laws of mathematics refer /
  / / to reality, they are not certain, and /
 / aka: Ixbalam, / as far as they are certain, they do not /
/ Jason_Jaguar_at_Furry / refer to reality. -Albert Einstein /

Received on Sun Jun 23 1996 - 21:26:31 PDT

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