> What is WCK #1?
Sorry. Wild Cartoon Kingdom, a cool mag that only had five issues. I have
all of 'em. =->
> >skinny little neck and a big helmet that made him look kind of dorky.
> Does it look like the drawings that A.J. mention recently? Is the style the sa
I don't know. I think the first page of Mark Lungo's Animato! #32 article
had something similar.
> Pink?! And we think that yellow and green sky is kinda ... 'weird'.
Well... I miscalled it. It was the ground. But a pinkish sky isn't that
strange, I think we've seen it on the show once before.
> >Anyway, the TurboKat was in the
> >background and it looked *ugly* IMO, light blue under a heck of a lot
> >of black ink that looked like reentry burns,
> Probably getting that burns from all of its supersonic flights. :)
Well, they probably weren't meant to be that, just looked that way.
> >with an usually large
> >nose and, and these sharp things jutting out of its nose.
> Sharp things?
You'd have to see it to know, but then I have no way for you to.
> >That's all I can remember for now. I
> >can probably give a more accurate description if I had it in front of
> >me.
> Can you scan it? I think that the rest of us on the list want to see that imag
e, no matter how small it is.
Well, I don't really know how to covert images to text for E-mailing, and
since I'll be off-line in mere moments and that particular lab is closed...no,
sorry, I can't.
> >I'm just glad that SWAT Kats evolved into what is instead of
> >staying that way.
> Well, I hope that SWAT Kats evolved in each new episode, the problem is, there
is no new episode. Lets just say that they are in 'suspended animation' and not
cancelled. Get it? 'suspended animation' :) Ahh... Nevermind.
Hey, I get it. If and when they do revive it, they'll probably just say
"Cancelled? Don't be ridiculous, it was just... an extended hiatus, yeah
that's the ticket..."
> Edo Andromedo email : macsonic_at_rad.net.id
OK, now that I'm gonna be off-line, anyone who wants to contact me, write
Kevin L. Knoles
13648 NCR 3400 East
Mason City, IL
Hope to hear from any of you!
|\ __ /| Kevin L. Knoles klknole_at_rs6000.cmp.ilstu.edu |\ __ /|
| | | |
\ / Check out SWAT Kats on the Web: \ /
http://rat.org/kats \/
Received on Sat May 11 1996 - 16:57:40 PDT