If you can wade through all the double-forwards, here's my editorial
comment on "animation for kids". It's on-topic as it would appear that
everyone else is going full ahead with their prime-timish animated
scheduling (okay, so 4:30 isn't _really_ primetime) for ac/adv, but
Turner just doesn't get it. BTW, Warners friend thinks that the TWC deal
is all but sealed - that's why the complete lack of press! If it goes
through, you can bet I'll put a word in the ear of a few animation people
to gas up the Turbokat again...with the combined outlets of
TBS/TNT/TCN/WBN there will be MANY programming holes to fill - can't
think of a better plug than the Kat-guys!
"I think I liked him because I suspected that, in spite of his professional
and easy-going demeanor, his psyche is held together with baling wire."
"The Far Side"'s Gary Larson on his choice of Marv Newland to do the special
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 10:17:24 -0400 (EDT)
From: Ratman <rat_at_mv.MV.COM>
To: chance_at_unix.infoserve.net
Subject: Re: Anything new? (fwd)
You should have sent this to the list. I'm sure others might want to comment.
And don't meantion Pinky and the Brain!! No stations that we get carry
it. I feel so left out.
http://rat.org | FTP :
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 1995 06:50:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Chance <chance_at_unix.infoserve.net>
To: Ratman <rat_at_mv.MV.COM>
Subject: Re: Anything new?
On Tue, 12 Sep 1995, Ratman wrote:
> On Mon, 11 Sep 1995, Chance wrote:
> > I'm glad that at least ONE ac/adv show I like will be around for awhile.
> It would be interesting if it suceeded since it was geared a bit towards
> adults. I don't see how a little kid would understand about how a person
> would go blind in "nam".
> It would seem to be that adults have more money than kids, so why not aim
> at the adults?
Hollywood is a very large and very slow beast. "The Flintstones" proved
that cartoons could be done in prime-time and be popular, but everyone
seemed to have forgotten that for years until Matt Groening gave us "The
Simpsons" bits during the defunct "Tracy Ullman Show". Most companies
now realize that targeting animation strictly at kids for afternoon and
Sat-AM stuff will relegate the licensing efforts to ".99 cent" bit at
K-Mart - right beside "Captain Planet" and "Bucky O'Hare" offerings.
The money people are starting to wise-up. Warners Bros. new network
launched on the weekend with a prime-time lineup of animation in many
market - with "Pinky and the Brain" etc. Hanna-Barbera was quite
surprised at the "older" nature of the viewership for Kats, and the
"Jonny" revival will reflect this "shift" in the audience age from
strictly the 6-11's. Disney smartened up with "Gargoyles", but only
because Warners did it first with BTAS - also airing in an evening block
during its premiere, and successful for EXACTLY the same reasons that
"Gargoyles" is winning friends now.
All we have to do from the fan perspective is make sure these folks know
that this kind of respect for the older audience should become the rule,
and not the exception.
(Gotta stop these three page responses to three sentence posts...)
"I think I liked him because I suspected that, in spite of his professional
and easy-going demeanor, his psyche is held together with baling wire."
"The Far Side"'s Gary Larson on his choice of Marv Newland to do the special
Received on Tue Sep 12 1995 - 21:47:31 PDT