On Sat, 20 May 1995, Andy Hill wrote:
> Those of us with access to aol.com will probably like to know that
> there is a SwatKats GIF finally posted to their section for the Cartoon
> Network. I haven't seen it, but evidently it's the drawing from the toy
> packaging, with T-Bone standing arms crossed, and Razor in the "ready to
> pounce" stance (crouch?). Maybe he fell, who knows? Anyway, if someone
> can grab it and send it to Rat's FTP site, everyone can steal it.
I found it and downloaded from AOL fully expecting to write you saying I
already had it. But I didn't!
Hey everybody!
new kat image:
Work: paul_at_mv.mv.com | Play: rat_at_rat.mv.com
http://www.mv.com/users/rat | FTP :
AOL : PaulHurley | CIS : 75014,77
Received on Sat May 20 1995 - 14:28:50 PDT