Mobius... alternate Earth? Good question...

From: <>
Date: Sun, 26 May 1996 11:12:34 -0400

I have heard this question many times before, and I assume
that most of you have as well. It's a good one, thought up by
fanfic basically, and does deserve some thinking through. I
had pondered this somewhat, but then let it go to the back
of my mind... until now.
I just read Knuckles mini-series #1, and when I saw Enerjak,
Egyptians instantly popped into my head. Think about it...
the egyptian culture was very advanced for it's time, the most
advanced in fact, and is still thought to be quite incredible. Thus,
I assume that Knuckles' culture represents the Egyptians.
Also, you all know about the rumors that anchient Egyptian
treasures are guarded (of course, the guard would be
dubbed the obvous title of guardian)... it all seems to fit in.
Most of you have probably realized this by now,
but I feel that this would be an interesting subject nonetheless.
Now another question arises... where are the other alternate


Knuckles : "So -- you're the big mahmba-jahmba... Archimedes!"
Archimedes (pointing to Knuckles) : "Look -- he's trying to think!"

P.S.: Who else instantly thought of Stargate when they saw Enerjak?

Received on Sun May 26 1996 - 11:23:27 PDT

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