Re: Perv pictures are off

From: Michael Kraft <>
Date: Sat, 04 Nov 1995 22:13:56 -0500

At 09:36 PM 11/4/95 -0500, you wrote:

>I'll say this, if anyone wants to host the Sonic porn pics, I still have the
>pics. And I could put links to the new location. This of course would be
>totally *NOT OK* with Sega, and you would surely get some heat for it. So how
>about it? Any one want to go to jail? :-)

You could put them up on a hidden Web page which SEGA need not know about,
something that isn't linked to by the main sonic page, but that list members
would know the HRL address of.

Hmmm..., do you know how SEGA found your page? Do they actually have people who
just surf the web looking for these things?

Michael Kraft (
Computer Engineering Student
Rutgers University, NJ, USA

Received on Sat Nov 04 1995 - 22:20:27 PST

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