Sally Solo Comics

From: <>
Date: Sun, 12 Feb 1995 19:20:16 -0500

I am very impressed with the Princess Sally solo stories (Sonics
#17,18; InYourFace special; & Princess Sally mini series)! The
pencils of Art Mawhinney captures the beauty and personality
of our favorite lady brilliantly! Bravo! I urge everyone who likes the
new series to write Archie Comics and thank them! I'd E-mail them
monthly if I had their address (anyone know it?)

I hope this is a sign that the Sonic comics are evolving from the
slapstick humour (don't get me wrong, slapstick is great, but some
how I think it doesn't seem to fit Sonic's universe) and the hybrid-schizoid
mix of syndicated and ABC styles. It makes the mind reel! If enough people
support it I think it will be here to stay!

To a Free Mobius!
Long Live Princess Sally!
(and Art Mawhinney!)

CamCoon ^ ^
                <* *>

Received on Sun Feb 12 1995 - 19:23:56 PST

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