(fwd) Watch Pumadyne...

From: Chance <chance_at_unix.infoserve.net>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 1995 16:22:08 -0700

From: chance_at_unix.infoserve.net (Chance)
Newsgroups: alt.tv.swatkats
Subject: Watch Pumadyne...
Date: 4 Sep 1995 23:16:46 GMT

(Thanks in advance to "T-Bone" -- Walt Koziol -- for scanning this stuff)

Okay, I finally sent over a bunch of stuff to someone to get scanned
for the Kats FTP site "Pumadyne" (er...'rat.org'). If it all makes it
onto the site, you can access official B&W line art and color schemes
(Pantone Matching System) for:

Jake Chance T-Bone Razor Callie Briggs Turbokat Cmdr. Feral

as well as actual "model sheets" from H-B's Butch Hartman (via "Toon") with:

Jake/Razor Chance/T-Bone Callie Briggs Cmdr. Feral Manx
Felina Turbokat

...and last but not least, two sketches from Lance Falk (head of H-B's
"Swatkats" design team) of villians from his unused script premises (also
on Pumadyne) "Blackout" and "Rexx Shard (as energy absorbing creature)".

(There might be a glitch with Delphi that could potentially cause a delay
 before this stuff is posted - just keep an eye open.)

 "Using my amazing powers of intellect, I've concluded that life was more fun
  when I was stupid...at least there were more TV shows to watch..."
                     "Monty" from the daily strip "Robotman"
 "Using my amazing powers of intellect, I've concluded that life was more fun
  when I was stupid...at least there were more TV shows to watch..."
                     "Monty" from the daily strip "Robotman"
Received on Mon Sep 04 1995 - 19:40:57 PDT

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