I am a game technician. I've probably upgraded about 20 MK3's to UMK3 now. So, if you want some tech info about the upgrade (in case some really lonely guy out there wants to read it), here it is.
The upgrade consists of 12 ROM chips. There is no additional board. The Kit Instructions are dated 9/15/95. This probably indicates that Midway had everything ready far in advance, and were just delaying release. The current version is 1.1 This corrects problems with frequent lock ups over 1.0.
The upgrade has:
Old Chip | New Chip |
Take out | Put in |
U2 | U2 |
U54 | U54 |
U63 | U63 |
U64 | U64 |
U110 | Nothing |
U111 | Nothing |
U112 | Nothing |
U113 | Nothing |
U118 | U118 |
U119 | U119 |
U120 | U120 |
U121 | U121 |
Nothing | U114 |
Nothing | U115 |
Nothing | U116 |
Nothing | U117 |
(the basic gist is; most chips you take out, and put a new one in. Except for 110-113 which you take out, and leave empty. Then put new chips in 114-117(which were empty when you started.)
Of the video roms, there are 32 sockets. Of the 20 that have chips, you replace 10. Of the sound roms, there are 8 sockets. Of the 4 that have chips, you replace 1. Of the game roms, there are 3 sockets. Of the 3 that have chips, you replace 3. The processor and sound procesor are unaffected.
The upgrade kit is free, includes all chips, and a new marquee. You must, however return the old chips to your distributor, or you will not receive any more updates. (they just wanna be able to reburn the chips for other games and stuff).
If you want to know anything more detailed, or anything in the audit screens or whatever, lemme know.