May 17th, 1996
Well, from all the rumors I've heard lately, a new MK compilation will be heading our way in the near future. The tentative title is "MK TRILOGY". Click here to see the title shot. The only details I've heard so far is that the disc will contain MK1, MK2 & MK3 (although not necessarily UMK3). Apparently you'll be able to play MK3 characters Vs. MK2 characters on a MK1 background and so on. Since no word has been released yet, I haven't begun writing a FAQ for it. Once word does come my way, however, a new page will be up.
Note From Sub-Zero:
To the best of my knowledge, I've discovered all the codes for this game. The reason I'm writing this is so people will know that this is it, there are NO MORE CODES! If there were, they'd have been here 6 months ago, which about the last time I updated.
So, I know that this lack of worthwhile codes is more than a little disappointing, but there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. If you're more interested in lots of codes rather than graphics and gameplay, then go check out the PC/SNES/Genesis versions. So please, if you don't see a specific code or section on this page, it's for a good reason... IT'S NOT IN THE GAME!. I know some of you are just getting the game now, so before you e-mail me bitching because I don't have the Shao Kahn & Motaro codes, or any other codes you don't see here, understand that it's just not in the game. So, if you have questions or comments about things NOT on this page, please don't waste my time or yours.
Thanx for listening to me bitch, now on with the codes...
The new option screen looks like this...
Free Play On/Off
Smoke On/Off
Fatality Time On/Off
Level Select On/Off
1 Round Match On/Off
1 Hit Death On/Off
Free Play On/Off
Smoke On/Off
Fatality Time On/Off
Level Select On/Off
The words in bold represent the default values.
This is a pretty cool code, you can make Smoke selectable without entering the UKC. The Free Play mode obviously needs no explaining. Setting Fatality Time to off is also pretty cool, that way you have all the time you need to get a fatality to work. The Level Select is enabled after you choose your character. At the bottom of the screen, it tells you what kombat zone you'll start in. Those words are always written in white letters. Once the cheat code is enabled, the letters turn yellow and you can push left or right to find the kombat zone you want to fight in. The MK3 Portal is also now selectable as your screen. This screen was usually where you fight against Smoke, but now you can play on it any time you want.
Here's how to access this code. First, power up your system. Let it go past the "Prepare for Kombat" screen, then do NOT enter the UKC. Now let the game go to attract mode. While in attract mode, on controller 1 or 2 press these buttons in this order: Triangle, Square, Circle, X, L1, L2. You should hear a swoosh type sound if it worked. Next, push start and go to the screen where it says Kombat. On Kombat, simply push up. Instead of saying Kombat, it will now been replaced with a question mark. Push start and you'll be all set. This is a really cool code, and I'm sure there's many more to come, so keep checking back.
To get the UKC screen to come up, follow these steps. Turn the system on. Next, wait for the "Prepare For Kombat" screen to come up. As soon as this screen goes away, rotate the joystick clockwise (R,D,L,U,R) 2 times. Now the UKC screen will come up. You only have 10 seconds to enter, so you gotta be pretty quick. To avoid any further confusion, here's the key for the button presses...
BOX #: SYMBOL: BUTTON USED: ------ ------- ------------- 1 Dragon L1 (0) 2 MK R1 (1) 3 Dragon Square (0) 4 Goro Triangle (6) 5 Skull Circle (9) 6 Goro X (6)
Also, another important thing to know is this... if you don't get the UKC screen to come up the first time you try it, you MUST reset the game and try again. Also, the Smoke code does NOT get saved on to your memory card, you have to enter it each time you turn the system on.
(3-9-0 0-0-0) Player 1 Inflicts 50% Damage
(0-0-0 3-9-0) Player 2 Inflicts 50% Damage
(3-9-0 3-9-0) Inflict 50% Damage
(7-2-2 7-2-2) Combo System Disabled
(3-2-1 7-8-9) Super Run Jumps
(5-5-5 5-5-6) Special Moves Disabled
(6-8-8 4-3-3) Quick Uppercut Recovery Enabled
(0-4-0 4-0-4) Real Kombat
(0-2-4 6-8-9) Super Endurance
(9-7-5 3-1-0) Regenerating Powerbars
In case you don't already know, all the basic moves and fatalities are the same as the arcade version. If you need the moves, I have an HTML & a text only FAQ that should provide you with whatever you need. I recommend the text FAQ because it has everything on one page, whereas the HTML FAQ is broken up into quite a few different pages. If you need the moves, click here.
Also, if you're having troubles morphing or pulling of off fatalities, make sure that everything is enabled in the "Game Konfigure" menu.
If you want the bloodiest kombat you can get, and have morphing available, your "Konfigure Game" menu should like this...
Violence On/Off
Blood On OnOff
Shang Morph All/Opponent
Words in bold represent that the game should be konfigured to that option. For the Shang Morph, the default setting is to "Opponent", so you must change that one. The other two, however, are already set to "On", so those can remain unchanged.