Mortal Kombat 2 FAQ
General Definitions and Moves
General Definitions
While reading through the moves, the + can be substituted by and, and
the - can be substituted by then. For example, 'two forward - HIGH
PUNCH' should be read as 'press the joystick twice towards the opponent
then press HIGH PUNCH'. Another example, 'LOW PUNCH + BLOCK' should be
read as 'press LOW PUNCH and BLOCK at the same time'. Button names are
listed in all caps.
- Quarter-Circle Towards
- Rotate joystick from the down position to the
forward position then press the button indicated. (actual movement is
down - down to forward - BUTTON)
- Quarter-Circle Away
- Rotate joystick from the down position to the away
position then press the button indicated. (actual movement is down -
down to away - BUTTON)
- Half-Circle Towards
- Rotate joystick from the away/down position to the
forward/down position then press the button indicated. (actual movement
is away/down - away/down to forward/down - BUTTON)
- Half-Circle Away
- Rotate joystick from the forward/down position to the
away/down position then press the button indicated. (actual movement is
forward/down - forward/down to away/down - BUTTON)
- hold then release
- Press and hold the button while your character
charges. When finished charging release the button. Other actions may
be performed while charging, which is a good way of keeping the move a
surprise. You can also charge a move before a round begins. If you are
hit by the opponent the charge will still remain intact. With the
exception of Mileena, you must be standing on the ground in order for a
charged move to work.
- (hold BLOCK)
- Block is only used in a move or fatality to stabilize
your fighter, to keep them from jumping or walking. It is a good idea
to release BLOCK before pressing the required button. You do not need
to use BLOCK if you can be at the right distance for a fatality.
- down - up
- The teleport can also be down by flicking the joystick down,
making the joystick spring up and down. This is applicable to Raiden
and Kung Lao.
- Pit/Spikes
- This is the fatality where you knock the victim into the
pit or onto the spikes, either on The Pit II or Kombat Tomb stages.
- Babality/Friendship
- Babalities are moves where instead of finishing
your opponent you can turn them into a baby. Friendships are similar,
only you make friends with your opponent. In order to do a babality or
friendship, you can not use either punch button on the winning round.
General Moves
Face Punch | HIGH PUNCH |
Body Punch | LOW PUNCH |
Face Kick | HIGH KICK |
Body Kick | LOW KICK |
Uppercut | down + HIGH PUNCH |
Crouch Punch | down + LOW PUNCH |
Crouch Kick | down + HIGH KICK |
Ankle Kick | down + LOW KICK |
Roundhouse | back + HIGH KICK |
Sweep | back + LOW KICK |
Specialty | HIGH PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Throw/Flip | LOW PUNCH (closest to opponent) |
Knee | HIGH KICK or LOW KICK (closest to opponent) |
Original text form written by Paul McElroy.
HTML conversion (and new stuff) by Daryle Walker.