No Mortal Kombat 1 or 2 Bullsh*t here. Sorry.
Mortal Kombat 3 Bullsh*t
When we are at the point where we've found everything, there's nothing left to do
but watch all the lamers try to get attention with their "I swear I know a nudeality"
You guys should know better than to play Midway's little game of put in
more quarters to find all the stuff that's not there anyway.
Definatly BS
- Free credit trick on MK3 (not ultimate):
Sheer common sense tells me that this worked on many machines.
It did not work on mine, and many others, and I will not put anything that works
only on some machines in my FAQ.
I have gotten 40+ emails about how to do
it (And yes, doing it, then entering the UKC), so I don't need yours!
This goes for 2.0 and 2.1.
- Cage transformations. This was started because in the game
audits (you have to have a key in order to get into it) it has a space
for "Cage transformations". Remember "Kano Tranformations" from MK2?
- Nudealities.
- F-U-HK-U. Say it phonetically.
- B-B-LP Smoke morph for UMK3. It's only for some home versions.
- These are immitations of my MK3 FAQ.
The only thing I copied from other people was the data.
- Smoke's MK3 FAQ. NOT to be confused with
who is actually not a lamer. The piece of repeatin' shit that put this together
barely changed the wording.
It's amazing many tiny changes he made here and there.
- Tom Bell's MK3 FAQ. He did a better job of trying to
hide his complete Microsofting of my work. He changed dashes to commas (F,D,F instead
of F-D-F) and he added combos.
Pay special attention to his select screen code section. He didn't even change
the wording.
- Maral
Meister's page.
I DID NOT give him permission to rip me off.
for Lamers
- Justin Reigle:
He ripped me off, but apologized, so I am not
going to bash him. I consider him on probation.
- Scott Gilbert:
He admitted he was a lamer, so I took down the hate page
I had on him.
Most people probably don't remember him.
He posted in the newsgroup that he knew the UKC, but wouldn't tell anyone.
- Chris Farzad:
Here is a FAQ with brutalities, and he is asking for money! This is just
too good.
- Miles Rothman (he now says his name is Elliott):
He actually tried to get me to fall for this.
I think the stupid tree was in full bloom the year he was born.
I added the picture he attached to that message to
Worknman's Lamerz page
Worknman was sick of it, so he made this page. This is a list of people
who BS and should be humiliated. Specifically for spreading rumors about MK.