I may as well post some closing stats on the list. They might be of some
interest to some of you.
56 members on the normal list
19 members on the digest version
75 total list members
I don't have any data on how many people were on the list in the past. I
never kept that information.
The list opened on 3/30/95
closed on 7/?/96 (hasn't been closed yet, so I don't know)
total time open: 1 year 3 months (almost).
Number of posts breakdown:
3/95 6
4/95 222
5/95 214
6/95 155
7/95 172
8/95 144
9/95 110
10/95 161
11/95 160
12/95 625 - I have no idea what caused such a jump
1/96 533
2/96 250
3/96 486
4/96 534
5/96 376
6/96 480
7/96 364 (as of this posting)
Total posts: 4992
By the time I actually pull the plug, we'll be at 5000 posts I'm sure.
I read some of the old list mail, and it seemed that the kats were cancelled
right around the time of the list starting. But the show was being shown in
repeats for quite awhile.
And here's a couple nastalgic posts... aww.. brings back memories. :)
If anyone wants to see more of these old posts, check out the list
archive at
(or FTP it if you'd rather)
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 95 4:00:22 PST
From: duehara_at_cisk.atmos.Ucla.EDU (Dana Uehara)
To: kats_at_sard.mv.net ()
Subject: Welcome Kats fans!
Greetings all on the SWAT Kats mailing list!
As one of the "fathers" of the list (and yes, I'm male, in case anyone's
wondering) I thought I'd start things off by asking the list members how
they first got into the series, what they think of it, and any other
comments they have about the SWAT Kats.
I first got into the series by accident. I saw a commercial for the
series, thought it looked interesting, and taped an episode. When I
went back to view it, I recognized one character's -- Razor's -- voice
instantly (Barry Gordon). Since I really like cats (grew up with three
of 'em), I quickly got into the series, with Razor being my favorite Kat
(I tend to like characters that I can either relate to or identify
with). Hanna-Barbera seems to have come up with a winner as far as a
series goes -- good stories and especially good animation. I'm hoping
that we can muster enough support to, along with HB, convince Ted
Turner that the series is worth keeping on the air.
Well, let's see what kind of discussion this sparks. The list is now
officially under way! <grin>
=================== Dana Uehara (duehara_at_atmos.ucla.edu) ==================
"Hey, what took ya?"
"Did ya have to kick me so *hard*?!" -- T-Bone and Razor
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 1995 13:19:21 -0500 (EST)
From: Ratman <rat_at_sard.mv.net>
To: kats_at_sard.mv.net
Subject: Re: Welcome Kats fans!
I got into the series by accident. I was watching my usual Sat AM
cartoons, and I happened to catch it.
At first it looked stupid, but I ended up liking it. Mostly because they
didn't cheese too bad on the violence.
And I also liked the music a lot. It was almost metal....
Received on Fri Jul 26 1996 - 14:39:22 PDT