Re: Abi Action-Figure Accesories!
The inestimable Edo:
>Dr. Sinian action figures?
My humble list included:
>>6. a kat-hide-bound copy of the Katronomikon
Michael J. Rider ruminated:
>...NyarlaKatep for Their messenger
> "In His house at R'lyeh dead Katulu waits dreaming,
> I have been _thinking about_ doing a fanfic called 'Call of
>Katulu.' Does anyone have any ideas on old squid face in the Kats world?
Yes! Yes! YES!!! ME!!! I've been thinkin about it for weeks! Want to
co-write one?
>>8. some sort of 'fire and forget' missile launcher...
>Lika a Gina-6000 BFG, eh? Something to take care of those pesky monsters
>archaeologists are always running into.
Can you squeeeeze between stone pillars while carrying one? She doesn't want
to tap any hidden trap trip-plates with something too bulky slung over her back!
>>9. a flashlight, with plenty of battery back-up
>What, no chopper backup?
Nope! That's somebody else's department entirely!
>>10. a lighter or matches to light those 10,000-year-old torches that are
>>always set in the wall and ready-to-go.
>Aren't those things convenient? Ancient people were always so thoughtful.
Yes- too bad they didn't leave the lighters for the tomb-robbers and
archaeologists to use- but maybe they didn't want kids to play with 'em!
I like it when they put up "Hidden Tomb... This Way >>>" signs, too! The
ones that rhyme like the old Burma Shave signs were especially clever!
*What a peach!*
*We stuck her goodies*
*out of reach!*
*none too fast.*
*We put him in*
*this body cast!*
*He snatched*
*the statue*
*from its pillar;*
*he found*
*this trap*
*a sure-fire killer!*
Received on Mon Jun 17 1996 - 23:32:29 PDT
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