Another message from me. :)
Subject: Re: Most Annoying Character
>>>>Same with DJ, but not here. I tend to ignore Callie once the episode's
>>Well, if I do that, I'm gonna feel really terrible for the rest of the day.
>That's why she's SO annoying! I try not to pay attention to her, then feel
>lousy afterward!
Oh... In that case, ditto for me too.
>Ryan "Snoopy" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
Subject: Re: Planet? (NO! Not Capt....) : )
On Tue, 4 Jun 1996, Erin O'Connell wrote:
>>has the name of the Kats' planet ever come up?
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Ryan Kelley wrote:
>Not that I know. If the name was mentioned on that last ep, then somebody
>say something.
What last episode?
>I just call the planet Megaluna. I might also call it
>"Megasidus" meaning great planet, but... oh well...
Well, I'm currently curious on the name of their moon. What is the name of
their moon (or moons) anyway?
BTW, I propose the name "Luna" for their moon.
>Ryan "Snoopy" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
Subject: Re: Is it just me....
>At 02:19 PM 6/8/96 +0700, Edo Andromedo wrote:
>>....or does the Dark SWAT Kats look like the original SWAT Kats?
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Ryan Kelley wrote:
>Gee I donno. Is there some way for me to make a "komparrison"?
The TurboKats, the uniforms, and the Glovatrixes. Don't forget to see some
of the sketches in to see the differences (or resemblances).
>>Edo Andromedo email :
>Ryan "Snoopy" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
Subject: Re: Supernatural Kats....
>>>That staff/cane that both Feral and Dark Kat carry- is that an apple on the
>>>top of it? What could it possibly mean?
>Mabye a sign of authorti, but then, Mayor Manx and Callie should carry one
>as well.
Hmmm.... Interesting.
>Mabye it's a sign of authority when it comes to commander and cheif
>of something like the Enforces.
Well, the staff/cane thing maybe a thing that Dark Kat and Feral use to
show "that I'm the big guy (the one in charge) around here, so you better
listen to me."
>Or, even better would be that Dark Kat IS Feral.
>As in Feral died sometime after "A Bright and Shiny Future" and has
>come back in the past to haunt himself.
Well, at least it's better than my theory on Hackle is really Jake from the
future (which something that I think of after DJ mention that Hackle look
like Jake if it Jake was an old kat). Of course it's nothing serious you
>Ryan "Waisgoos" [Your nickname here:] Kelley
Subject: hi
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Louallen Wheeler wrote:
>Great subject, huh? Well, I'm back.
Louiiiieee! I really miss you Louie, I've been reading all of your previous
mails that you sent to me. I really really miss you!
>Well, I couldn't read your summary very well Edo,
Is the file got corrupted, or my writting is really that bad?
>Oh, Terra; did you get my story and send it to Maxie or
>whoever you sent it to?
Well, I do know Terra got the story that you sent me. She ask me for the
story that you gave me, so I gave her the story.
>Jedi LouAllen 'Louie' Wheeler
>Oh, P.S., Here's the first release of the Demographics Pole-er, Poll.
>If you're not on it, send me the info here at this address. Bye.
>Name: Edo Adromedo Christyono
See? Not everybody use their last name very often.
BTW, "Andromedo" not "Adromedo" or "Andromeda".
>Age: 16
19/12/1979. Sorry but I can't give the exact temporal cordinate, because I
don't know.
>Interests: Any Sci-Fi (Star Wars, Robotec, etc., etc., etc...)
That include SWAT Kats.
>Home: Jakarta, Indonesia
Now you know what the "id" in my e-mail address stands for.
Subject: Zed need more input
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Edo Andromedo wrote:
>>>Hey, Zed and Greenbox aren't bad guys,
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Arthur John Freda wrote:
>>Zed was,
Zed is just a kid who want to know everything, so he assimilate everything
he see. A neat way to learn something.
>>just that Greenbox kinda went a little "insane" after he
>>found out what Zed could really do, and wanted to help him.
Greenbox is kinda Zed's father, when he see that his kid is now famous and
magnificient, he want to be with his kid and guide him to success (world
On Tue, 11 Jun 1996, Andy Hill wrote:
>Ehhhh...."wanted to help him?"
Yes, to give Zed the knowledge Zed need. A father and son team to dominate
the world!
>I didn't really get that from the ep, just a variation
>of the "Animal Farm" doctrine "Power corrupts. Absolute Power corrupts
>Absolutely". Greenbox was so wrapped up in his creation and its abilities
>that the right and wrong of things became largely irrelevant.
Yeah, I think that is sorta what happen to Greenbox.
>I thought there was more than a passing similarity to the second "Barkley"
>on "Star Trek: The Next Generation" where Broccoli wound up more or less
>integrated with the ship's main computer after his hyper-intelligence
>brought about
>that Holodeck interface.
"The Nth Degree"?
>In fact, I think the frames of Greenbox "hooked up"
>to Zed were intentionally meant to evoke images of that similar scene in STNG
>prior to the commercial break that always goes there (the first glimpse of
>Barkley's newfound "attitude").
Oh, you mean those flashing and blinking lights? Yeah, it kinda remind me
of the lights from the interface that Barclay created.
Well, Lt. Reginald Barclay kinda remind me of Lt. Steel(e). A normal guy
try to live inside something that is really big (Enterprise-D/MegaKat).
If you ask me what Zed/Greenbox thing in "Unlikely Alloys' remind me of.
Well, it kinda remind me of the unification of V-Ger (another machine that
go berzerk, digitizing everthing that is in its path) and William Decker
from ST:TMP.
Subject: Re: Summer tour (slightly off-topic)
>>I know I'll regret asking, but what precisely is a "bokon"??
> A bokon (spelling may not be right)? A wooden practice sword. Mine's
>dezigned to look and feel like a Japanese katana blade.
> Yeah, you probably didn't want to ask. Now if only I could get a *real*
>sword before I hit Atlanta . . .
Ahh... Louie, you're a Jedi master, aren't you? I'm sure that you got a
spare light saber for DJ. :)
>Dr. Jake Clawson
Edo Andromedo email :
Received on Thu Jun 13 1996 - 11:00:59 PDT
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