>> Name: Dan Ramos (Miles)
>> E-Mail: danramos_at_ix.netcom.com
>> Age: 24
>> BirthDate: April 29, 1972, 9:45 P.M.
>> Interests: Check out the following web page to find out...
>> Quote: "Ciao!"
>> A Comment
>> From Me: Oh yeah? Mine's May 14th! Wait! We're both Tauruses!
>Eeeesh. That makes three of us. May 18th. (Mt. St. Helens blew up on
>my birthday. Most of my relatives don't know how much trouble I had to
>go through to arrange that...)
Oooooooo. I'm a Libra. (October 12's my birthday.)
>Here's mine:
Ooo! I wanna add mine! Nobody minds, right?
>Name: Andy M. Hill ("chance")
Hey, we have the same middle inital! (My full name's Terra Michelle Chang)
>E-Mail: chance_at_unix.infoserve.net
Do I really hafta say? I mean, everybody mixes me up with my mom, since her
name's on the e-mail address! =P
>Age: Old enough to know better. Young enough not to care.
I'm twelve, and I'm proud of it!
>BirthDate: May 18th, 1964 (and I was too young to remember the time...)
October 12th, 1983. (Me too about the time, tho Mom's says 'round 11:00 a.m.)
>Interests: Military Vehicles, History, movies and animation, railway stuff,
> outdoors junk (and getting in trouble doing same) , computers,
> two-way radio, writing...tearing those little tags off
> Northlands lit & sled dogs...and last but not least -
Errrr um, here: SWAT Kats, fan fiction reading/writng, writing in general,
vampires, reading (I'm actually a real bad book worm. Were ya expecting
that?), art (even tho I stink at it) the violin (I'm in second year now),
the Internet (of course) and my friends.
>Quote: "What seatbelts? It's a Half-track."
"I don't speak English none too very good, do I?"
>Comments: I can't seriously be the oldest here, can I?
Well, I can't seriously be the youngest here, can I?
(I'm already the youngest on the Battle Spuds list. Don't tell me it's the
same here. But, at least here, I've got someone closer to my age than on the
other list. Here, A.J.'s 13, but on the other group, the Bratcess is
probably the closest to me, and she's 18. =P)
But, I can't complain. 'Least I'm not the White Rabbit no more. =)
Terra Chang
Reality Jumper
no longer the White Rabbit ;)
"Ever heard of that river in Egypt? D. Nial?"
"Why does everything have to be so *difficult*?"
"Whatever it was . . . I didn't do it."
Received on Tue Jun 11 1996 - 23:01:06 PDT