On Sat, 25 May 1996, ARTHUR JOHN FREDA wrote:
> I was u-loading on my america online account and I sent ALL of my
> sound bites to rat and maxie. Ratman is only keeping a few, so I hope he
> sends the ones he doesn't intend to keep to maxie, so I don't have to
> pull out my old 2400bps modem and re-u-load them to maxie and waste time
> on my AOL free time. (My 14.4 modem can't upload well. It's an off-brand.
> go fig.)
Yes, you spammed my personal email account WITHOUT ASKING FIRST with about 5
megs of files. Then after I was very pissed at you, you went and spammed poor
Maxie with the same 5 megs of files.
Here's a bit of basic netiquitte for you. If you want to send someone a
I would have pointed you to the upload policy at
Anyway, I only kept a few of the sound samples you sent. they are in
> I have also sent to rat the Cover for the Fan Club Newsletter #1.
> It should be in the /drawn area. You'll have to wait till rat posts them,
Maybe you should have followed up with a "hey rat, I uploaded this file".
I saw that in my incoming directory, didn't know what the hell it was, so
I deleted it.
Received on Sat May 25 1996 - 23:30:26 PDT