Re: IT'S FINISHED!!!!!!!!
>Okay, a few days? weeks? ago, somebody asked if anyone was doing any 'fic
>writing. I responded and said I was.
>AND IT'S FINALLY DONE!! (or at least part one is) I've sent it to Max, and
>now I'm waiting for it to be put up. ('S kinda long, so that might take a
>If anyone would like, I can send them a copy of it. (yes, I'm shamelessly
>advertising, but WHO CARES?????? <maniacal laughter>)
After Netscape said "Up yours! I'm gonna stop working!" to me, It was a nice
thing to come and see all the new fanfics that have come my way (Mabye this
should happen more often!), <Le sigh!> now my printer's saying "You're not
giving me enough love in my life, so, goodbye!" (I have to court the peice
of junk to make the thing work, a pathetic thing, really!
>It's called "Blood Moon Rising". It's a vampire story. (Hey, I've been
Yes, I got page one, then my printer died.
>threatening to do one for a while now, as people who have been here as long
>or longer than I have know ;) ) I would really like, whether you get it from
>me or download it from the site, if you gave me your opinion. I'll still
>finish it if you hate it, but if I know you like it, I could work harder on
>parts two and so on.
Hey, I know what it's like to create a vampire story! After all my technical
difficulties, I've gotta read it!
>I always ask for people's advice, but this time I'm really desperate for
>feedback!! ****PLEASE**** tell me what you think. Pretty, pretty please?
The aforementioned statement says enough for now.
>Erin's read part of it, she's said it's good, but I need more than just one
>feedback! (tho I greatly appreciate *good* feedback!) ;)
don't we all 8^)
>OKAY <takes deep breath and sighs> that's it for now. Remember: I NEED TO
>KNOW YOUR OPINIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Us writers are always open for opinions!
>Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional.
Yeah, I know. We all grow old, but my 8 year old brother still acts like a
two year old! 8^P
(Retarded)..... To heck with this! I don't want this crud anymore!
----------------------Ryan "Casshan"
SWAT Kats Mega extremist, anime fan. Who says nothing's perfect?.
"Casshan!.... I grow weary of that name." Android "Black King" BK1
Received on Sun May 19 1996 - 11:55:23 PDT
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